A Few Lessons from Undergrad

I just got my bachelor's degree! It was a long journey, including a semester when I only got F's. It's a miracle I got a degree at all, let alone with the opportunity to pursue a PhD next fall. Rather than writing an overly…

Two Years of Living Without

Manuel Moreal has a series of blog posts on the year of living without, in which he temporarily eliminates aspects of his life to see how it goes. In a way, I've already lived a year without in 2022, and would like to continue with this trend in…

The Unbearable Melancholy of the Dead Internet

Some time ago, I stumbled upon a band. They released two albums to little fanfare, then disappeared. I wondered what had happened to its members. They were certainly passionate people. Did their musical dreams blossom at all, under different identities? I couldn't find out. I felt sad. I…

The Flat File Lifestyle

Over the years, I've grown increasingly wary of using any application that stores its data in a nonstandard format or in a relational database. My main concern is longevity: I've jumped apps enough times to know that most software companies or projects don't last…

Using Web Apps on the Steam Deck's Gaming Mode

I've been fiddling around with my Steam Deck to turn it into a specialized entertainment device, capable of gaming and media streaming. Since the Steam Deck runs on Linux, it is difficult to procure apps that were purpose-built for a streaming service, with a few exceptions. The podcasts…

Single-Purpose Smart Devices

Are our smart devices the ultimate minimalist dream? After all, a single smartphone can replace notepads, books, a compass, maps, an mp3 player, a TV, a remote control, a grocery list, a camera, a landline, and many more. Smartphones are, indeed, the ultimate Swiss army knife. I realize, though, that…

User-Controlled Recommender Systems

Algorithmic recommendations are a fact of life on the contemporary internet, from Google Searches to Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Amazon...the list goes on. With the omnipresence of recommender systems comes a widespread recognition of its downside. Meta has recently faced backlash for swarming the feed of Facebook and Instagram…

Why Should I Bother?

I have a bit of a history with existential questions. having long since struggled with the void that one must face once worldly desires are met. I have been fortunate enough to not have to worry about my survival, and, thanks to my education, not worry too much about employment…