
Most species of forget-me-nots (Myosotis sp.) are non-native to North America. This colony, which occupies wide swaths of my back yard through its rhizomous spread, is most likely the highly invasive Myosotis scorpiodes from Europe, which has become commonplace around here in the Great Lakes region. I will most likely…

On Old Things

Some time ago, I dropped my Macbook Pro into water, causing unrepairable damage. I am on a tight budget, so I bought a $200 refurbished Thinkpad off of Amazon which was all I could afford. I installed a minimal Linux distro, and threw on the lightweight XFCE desktop environment. It…

Accidental Environmentalism in Minimalism

The Green New Deal is still a hot topic in politics, which is remarkable considering that conservation biologists, climatologists, and Bill Nye have been shouting into the void for what seems like an eternity. It is great that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and others demand immediate and drastic action, for moderate…

The Joy of Nature-Watching in our Technocentric Lives

A necessary counterpart to our modern lives is the reintroduction of the natural world. Few activities brought me more joy than the simple act of observing and photographing wildlife in their natural habitat. My Personal Fallout Unfortunately, it is far too easy to completely neglect the natural realm of our…